Monday, September 12, 2011


I am Lost,
And I wish I knew what I was lost in
I dont know who I am,
And where this road leads me to.

Yes i wish i was different,
I thought I was,
But the sad story is ,
That I am not,
Just like the others,
I have the same story,
I have lost my future
And also my history.

My own rules defies me,
pretension is what underlie me,
I wish i could show my emotion,
But smile is what I should do,
That is what I am supposed to.

The meaning of everything had changed,
Everything that i wanted to be now seems all strange,
The life that I dream of is now rearranged,
I wish i knew the slumber i am in,
I know I am lost,
But dont know what I am lost in....


everything will be left behind
i wnt be there and nothing would be mine....
but remember i will always look down on you making sure that you are fine.......
you will grow old alone like a fine wine........
i wont be there everyday to see you dine.......
everything i will leave when i will pass the line......
there would be no me and everything will be left behind........

soon my time would end....
the life i had would bend....
something i knew that you could never comprehend....
i leave behind a world where i could never blend....
you will find someone to replace me as a friend.....
and he will be something who is god send.....
and soon ill part and my time would end.....

everybody moves on.....
nothing would be stuck to me as i would be far gone...
away from this world away from the pain....
away from all the sorrow and away from all that i could have gained....
away from everything and the life in which i was chained....
away from the happiness which once reigned.....
when i will be gone everything will once again be all the same......

Freckly Freckle!!!

You came to only disappear
Loosing you was my biggest fear
You said, you promised that you will stay
And pick those wild flowers from the dirtiest hay

I wish I had more time with you
To see you
Hear you
And feel you too
But then you kept me the in the dark
And let me alone in the stark
You made me promise to not cry
I told you that I would try
I’ve tried my level best to not shed a tear
How will I live is what I fear.
All I have are a few photos and silly memories
I can’t even hate you for your treachery

Oh freckly freckle I love a ton
You promised in the next birth you would be my son
I will miss you dearly
You could see it in my eyes very clearly
Now I beg for you to haunt me
I know you loved me
I know you’ll love me.........

Monday, September 5, 2011

The East India Co. Reigning Again....

East India Comapy also known as Company Bahadur, The comapny which ruled India for 200 years stared as a merchants association in London by then Queen Elizabeth, The comapny started of as a merchants association to travel across teh world and bring back Tea, Coffee and other goods back to west but it became the imperial represntative in india by building a huge fleet of ships, arms and ammunations, and was nationalised in 1874 with its head office in Calcutta, India.

The company holds a strong place in Indian Modren History and has faced manier anti -company movements in its time by the famous freedom fighters of the country like Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Nehru, Bhagat singh and the several thousand other people who were responsible for the countrys freedom and having its own constitution, technology and infrastructure. The compay was boycotted on manier occassions and there is a huge amount of hatred for the company in India and its allies.

The comapany on 15th March 2010 was to be relaunched by an indian Mr. Sanjiv Mehta who bought the company in 2005 by making an investment of $15 million. The company was to be reinstated as to deal with the luxury goods like food, clothes, real estate, health, hospitality and the likes. The comapny also plans to enter India as a luxury line for the Good food, hospitality, health, real estate and the likes.

The question arises will the brand which is most hated in the country will do well with an owner who is a mumbaikar who did what no Indian could achieve that is rule the very same company which ruled us, our parents, grandfather, great grandfather and great great grandfathers, or the company will face the proactive nature of Indians and will be disliked before it enters the Indian Sub continent or the comapny will face the same fate that it faced 70 years back. Inspite of the owner claiming that the comapny has repositioned itself and took about 4 years to reposition itself.

The fate of the company will surely be decided by the likes of the politics, the oppsitiono wins or the ruling party.
Whatever said and done, we indians proove that we are best at anything we do amd Mr. Sanjiv Mehta has prooved it.

Wishful Retard....

I wish i was mentally ill
So that i could pop in that pill
I could do whatever i feel
Even if its taking out the banana out of its peel
That block in my head i never what it to heal
So that mercilessly i could kill and kill
I would push that chick in high heel
Trip on her and tell the time to still
And Click a mental image of her
Cuz she certainly looks like cher
She so cant be my bunny
As She looks a little too funny
With a slim waist a big bosom
Like a lotus in the dirt she blossom

I wish i was mentally unstable
So that i can watch weird porn on my cable
That features a horse in its stable
To be different from the world
and pull pigtails and curls
earn the sympathy from the world
i could throw up on your face and fake the puke
cuz you just won a drinking match by fluke

i am lucky to be retard
cuz the worries are just like another fart
i wish everybody was mentally ill
so they can justify the earth and why it was killed.

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