What is past? Past is a future for which we laid a foundation in the present before that. The foundation if not laid properly the entire building collapse so does our future. What was the mistake we did while laying the foundation to our present and future. The story goes ages back when in the name of god people discriminated and created certain strata or section in the society based on certain feature and a family background. The human form was no more human and there existed only Hindu, Muslim, Sikhs or Christians. To further destroy the essence of humanity we had Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Shudras and Vaishyas. Untouchables and other stratifications of the society by humans started a unforeseen war at that present the foundation laid was not strong enough to take the burden of the future which by every generation kept on growing and finally broke down and gave rise to violence amongst people who now are willing to kill not because it is necessary for their survival but because they get a certain kick out of it, a certain pleasure that by killing innocent people they are doing justice to their self made idols and self imposed gods. Misinterpreting the holy books and the teaching of the prophets and the saints, people have exploited for their own whims and fancies, for their own benefit and for their own satisfaction.
The present is the consequence of our past and foundation for our future. It is a link between our past and the future. Our present becomes our past and any wrong doing haunt us our entire life. What is our present?? Our present is to hate people because of what has been fed into us since birth our present is before being human I was Hindu born to a certain section and a class of the society which is how I will be perceived and judged. What matters is how much money do I have in my pocket and how well do I know other powerful people. Our present teaches us not to feel sorry for the loss but feel aggravated for the reason if the reason has money. Today if a guy in Maruti kills two people it is gone unnoticed but yes if the same person kills the same to people in a BMW he has got an entire FrontPage with tagging “is law same for rich” people say we are over the entire social stratification then why media today banks on it. Our present is not only that but along with is killing of innocent and slaughtering them brutally to death to threaten other people. “IF PEOPLE ARE NOT USEFUL WHEN THEY ARE LIVING THEN WELL MAKE THEIR DEATHS USEFUL” this is what a certain section of people who lead to the stereotyping of an entire class of people belonging to that religion, color or that social class. About the present day people kill other people in the name of god in the name of jihad but in the process they overlook the fact that they are killing several of their own religion while at it along with several innocent kids. They do not realize the fact there is an entire family waiting for someone, a person who is the only earning member of the family and without whose presence the entire family will die eventually. In short in present day u don’t know whether you are going to return to your place in the evening or not there is always an element of doubt.
As for future, it is the consequence of our present and it is not for us to know or look into. The future is our kids and the generation that is to come what they are going to see is a completely different world from completely different eye with a completely different perception of completely different things around them. What will remain same is the courage the grace and the integrity, the morals the values the ethics. They will not cheat to know what is in store for them but they will be prepared and face a situation in a more challenging and brave manner and show the world no matter what the circumstances are people were are and will always be true to themselves in not others and face whatever stands in their way with complete integrity and grace.
So do not let your past ruin ur present and live in the present to the lay the correct foundations for ur future. One is enough to set an example and motivate others to choose the right path of faithfulness to oneself and humanity.
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- Nakul Gupta
- Life might look simple but living it is simpler, I learnt it the easy way and i consider myself lucky. I enjoy every moment and just be myself. My strengths are my weaknesses, my friends are my life, i am a mystery a tough one it seems, but when u solve it its the easiest one. I'm easy and fun, chilled out , laid back,and exuberant at times..defining myself in such a small space is kind of impossible but i did my best..:))
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